Information Systems Research (M.Sc.)

General information

Type of course Seminar
Term Every summer term
Credits 12 ECTS
Module M.WIWI-WIN.0032
Courses of study Master of Science in Business Information Systems (Seminar)
Master of Science in Marketing and E-Business (Elective Area)
Others upon request
Course language English
Examination Term paper, presentation
Instructor Prof. Dr. Manuel Trenz

Required application documents

  • Current grade excerpt from FlexNow
  • Filled application form (activated from March 1 - March 31)

Further notes

  • The applications are processed continuously
  • All term papers must be written in English

All topics available this semester include a literature review part and an empirical part. The empirical part will be interviews. You receive:
  • Workshops on empirical research: Students will receive extensive training in collecting and analyzing quantitative data in two workshops.
  • Supported transcription: Students will receive funding for a transcription software

Please do only apply when you are available at both, kick-off meeting and interim presentation. No exceptions (e.g. study term abroad, other appointments, holidays, etc.) will be permitted.