Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Inga MOECK
Work ExperienceSince 2018: University Professor for Applied Geothermics and Geohydraulics at Georg-August Universität Göttingen, joint professor position with LIAG, official chair of section Geothermics and Information Systems at LIAG
2015 – 2017: Temporary chair of section Geothermics and Information Systems at Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophyics (LIAG)
2014 – 2015: University Professor for Geothermics at the Technical University München, and researcher at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ, joint professor position TU München with GFZ
2013 – 2014: Professor and Campus Alberta Innovation Program Chair at University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada)
2005 – 2012: Research Scientist, German Centre of Geosciences GFZ
2000 – 2005: Research Assistant and lecturer in Exploration Geology, TU Berlin
1997 – 2000: DFG Research Fellow (German Research Foundation) in Hydrotectonics, TU Berlin/Universitade do Algarve Portugal)
1996 – 1997: NaFöG (federal scholarship) Fellow in Structural Geology, TU Berlin
Academic Degrees
2012: Habilitation and venia legend in Applied Geoloy, TU Berlin. Title: Quantitiative structural geology in geothermal exploration
2005: Doctor of Natural Sciences, TU Berlin. Title: Hydrotectonics of groundwater aquifers, Central Algarve Basin/Portugal
1996: Diploma in Geology, TU Berlin
Professional Activities, Honors and Awards
Since 2020: Evaluator for DFG, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
2019 -2020: Executive Editor in Chief of Geothermal Energy, SpringerOpen
Since 2019: Evaluator for Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Austrian Science Fund FWF, Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
Since 2018: Editor in Chief of Geothermal Energy, SpringerOpen
Since 2017: Representative of LIAG in Leibniz Research Alliance “Energiewende”
Since 2014: Elected member (re-elected in 2017 and 2019) of the advisory board of the German Geothermal Association BVG
2016: Honorary Professor in Exploration and Geology of Geothermal Resources at the Hochschule Bochum, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, International Geothermal Centre GZB
2014 – 2016: Member of the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of the International Continental Drilling Project (ICDP)
2014: Chair of the Geoenergy Forum in Calgary, hosted by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geoscientists
Since 2013: Member of the Resources & Reserves Committee of the IGA (International Geothermal Association)
2013: Chair of Campus Alberta Innovation Program in Enhanced Geothermal Energy Systems (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
2005: Summa cum laude for Doctoral Thesis
1998: Erasmus Program on University Coimbra/Portugal : «The organization of sedimentary basins»