Conservation Ecologist
Head M.Sc./M.I.N.C. International Nature Conservation
Editor-in-Chief The Science of Nature

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Research Interests

I received classic training in organismic biology with majors in Zoology, Botany, Geology and Genetics and I am still interested in various aspects of Evolution, Behavior, Taxonomy and Ecology. Having established myself as a Conservation Ecologist, between 2015 and 2020 I led the independent Workgroup on Endangered Species and since September 2020 I am working in the Department of Conservation Biology. The issues I am most familiar with are wildlife biology and population ecology, land use and tropical biodiversity, wildlife management, as well as conservation and development.


630871 M.Biodiv 483: Assessing Wildlife for Conservation (Block course)
631551 M.Biodiv 412: Origins of Conservation Biology (Lecture)
990197 M.INC 1001: International Nature Conservation (Seminar)
631778 M.INC.2001: Internship semester
631175 M.Biodiv 482: Field Studies in Conservation Biology (with Seminar and Lecture)
631317 B.Biodiv 340: Conservation Biology (Lecture and Excursions)

Geographical Foci

Old-World Tropics
Middle East

Running projects

Completed projects


Laux A., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2024. A landscape-based approach to design flower blocks may reduce mammalian predator activity and protect ground-nesting farmland birds. Biodiversity and Conservation (in press).

Soofi M., Ghasemi B., Ahmadpour M., Soufi M., Islami I., Eckert A., Gorjian Arabi M.H., Qashqaei A.T., Selyari J., Nasirahmadi K., Kamp J., Waltert M., Addison J., Pavey C.R. 2024. Application of the integrated threat theory to conservation law enforcement. Conservation Biology: e14248.

Fahimi H., Soofi M., Ahmadi N., Qashqaei A.T., Heidari H., Bungum H., Rech B., Trepel J., Waltert M. 2024. Distribution, behavior and diet of the Asiatic black bear in human modified landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 80: 23-30.

Laux A., Mayer K., Beeke W., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2024. Distance to the edge and other landscape features influence nest predation in grey partridges. Animal Conservation 27:196-211.

Waltert M., Klug J., Motombi F.N., Cejp B., Bobo K.S., Soofi M., Peters M.K. 2024. Ant-following behavior is correlated with plumage traits in African understory birds. The Science of Nature 111: 41.

Caro T., Dobson A., Kiffner C., Waltert M. 2023. Threat to Tanzanian Park requires compromise. Science 381: 844.

Kiffner C, Giliba R.A:, Fust P., Loos J., Waltert M. 2023. Assessing protected area effectiveness in western Tanzania: Insights from repeated line transect surveys. African Journal of Ecology 61:966–979.

Kupsch, D., Knobloch, L., Bobo, K.S., Motombi, F.N. & Waltert, M. 2023. Rural livelihoods and biodiversity in Afrotropical agroforestry systems and oil palm plantations. In: Defining Agroecology – A Festschrift for Teja Tscharntke. Eds.: Dormann, C.F., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Klein, A.-M., Loos, J., Scherber, C., Stefan-Dewenter, I. & Wanger, T.C. Tredition, Hamburg, pages 223–240.

Tsetagho G., Bradfer-Lawrence T., Taku A II., Abernethy K.A., Abwe E.E., Angwafo E.T., Atuo F., Fichtler M., Fotso R., Shirley M.H., Morgan B.J., Languy M., Maisels F., Oslisly R., Powell L., Smith T., Thomassen H.A, Waltert M., Wolfe J., Whytock R.C. 2023. Modeling the potential distribution of the threatened Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas across its entire range. Bird Conservation International 33: e65.

Filla M., Lama R.P., Ghaleb T.R., Filla T., Heurich M., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Blue sheep strongly affect snow leopard relative abundance but not livestock depredation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation 37:e02153

Filla M., Lama R.P., Filla T., Heurich M., Balkenhol N., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and effects of intervention strategies: lessons from the Nepalese Himalaya. Wildlife Research (Online).

Ghoddousi A., Van Cayzeele C., Negahdar P, Soofi M., Hamidi A.Kh., Bleyhl B., Fandos G., Khorozyan I., Waltert M., Kuemmerle T. 2022. Understanding spatial patterns of poaching pressure using ranger logbook data to optimize future patrolling strategies. Ecological Applications (Online).

Kiffner C., Boyle D.M., Denninger‑Snyder K., Kissui B.M., Waltert M., Krause S. 2022. Refining the stress gradient hypothesis for mixed species groups of African mammals. Scientific Reports 12, 17715.

Laux A., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2022. Camera trap data suggest uneven predation risk across vegetation types in a mixed farmland landscape. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9027.

Pangau-Adam M., Flassy M., Trei J.-N., Waltert M., Soofi M. 2022. The role of the introduced rusa deer Cervus timorensis for wildlife hunting in West Papua, Indonesia. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3:e12118.

Püttmanns M., Böttges L., Filla T., Lehmann F., Martens A.S., Siegel F., Sippel A., von Bassi M., Balkenhol N., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2022. Habitat use and foraging parameters of breeding Skylarks indicate no seasonal decrease in food availability in heterogeneous farmland. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8461.

Püttmanns, M., Lehmann, F., Willert, F., Heinz, J., Kieburg, A., Filla, T., Balkenhol, N., Waltert, M., Gottschalk, E. 2022. No seasonal curtailment of the Eurasian Skylark’s (Alauda arvensis) breeding season in German heterogeneous farmland. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9267.

Soofi M., Qashqaei A.T., Mousavi M., Hadipour E., Filla M., Kiabi B.H., Bleyhl B., Ghoddousi A., Balkenhol N., Andrew Royle N., Pavey C.R., Khorozyan I., Waltert M. 2022. Quantifying the relationship between prey density, livestock and illegal killing of leopards. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:1536–1547.

Soofi M., Qashqaei A., Trei J.-N., Shokri S. Selyari J., Ghasemi B., Sepahvand P., Egli L., Nezami B., Zamani N., Yusefi G.H., Kiabi B.H., Balkenhol N., Royle A., Pavey C.R., Redpath S.M., Waltert M. 2022. A novel application of hierarchical modelling to decouple sampling artifacts from socio-ecological effects on poaching intensity. Biological Conservation (Online).

Soofi M., Sharma S., Safaei-Mahroo B., Sohrabi M., Organli M.G., Waltert M. 2022. Lichens and animal camouflage: some observations from central Asian ecoregions. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14: 20672-20676.

Soofi M., Soufi M., Royle A., Waltert M., Khorozyan I. 2022. Numbers and presence of guarding dogs affect wolf and leopard predation on livestock in northeastern Iran. Basic And Applied Ecology 64: 147-156.

Ahmadpour M., Shokri S., Varasteh-Moradi H., Waltert M., Khorozyan I., Soofi M. 2021. The occurrence of the rare corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) in Iran is mainly determined by prey presence and land use. Journal of Arid Environments 189: 104475.

Filla M., Lama R.P., Ghale T.R., Signer J., Filla T., Aryal R.R., Heurich M., Waltert M., Balkenhol N., Khorozyan I. 2021. In the shadows of snow leopards and the Himalayas: density and habitat selection of blue sheep in Manang, Nepal. Ecology and Evolution 11: 108-122.

Katzenberger J., Gottschalk E., Balkenhol N. Waltert M. 2021. Density‐dependent age of first reproduction as a key factor for population dynamics: stable breeding populations mask strong floater declines in a long‐lived raptor. Animal Conservation 24: 862–875.

Kely M.R., Kouakou C.Y., Béné J.C.K., Tiedoué M.R., Diarrasouba A., Tondossama A., Kuehl H.S., Waltert M. 2021. Research and tourism affect positively the occupancy pattern of Loxodonta cyclotis (Elephantidae) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Nature Conservation Research 6(1).

Khorozyan I., Waltert M. 2021. A global view on evidence-based effectiveness of interventions used to protect livestock from wild cats. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e317.

Ordaz-Németh I., Sop T., Amarasekaran B., Bachmann M., Boesch C., Brncic T., Caillaud D., Campbell G., Carvalho J., Chancellor R., Davenport T.R.B., Dowd D., Eno-Nku M., Ganas-Swaray J., Granier N., Greengrass E., Heinicke S., Herbinger I., Inkamba-Nkulu C., Iyenguet F., Junker J., Bobo K.S., Lushimba A., Maisels F., Malanda G.A.F., McCarthy M.S., Motsaba P., Moustgaard J., Murai M., Ndoukoue B., Nixon S., Nseme R.A., Nzooh Z., Pintea L., Plumptre A.J., Roy J., Rundus A., Sanderson J., Serckx A., Strindberg S., Tweh C., Vanleeuwe H., Vosper A., Waltert M., Williamson E.A., Wilson M., Mundry R., Kühl H.S. 2021. Range-wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American Journal of Primatology 83:e23338

Pagel C.D., Waltert M., Scheer M., Lück M. 2021. Swimming with wild orcas in Norway: killer whale behaviours addresses towards snorkelers and divers in an unregulated whale watching market. Pp. 77-97 In: Lück M., Liu C. (eds.) A kaleidoscope of tourism research: insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT). Peter Lang, Berlin, 296 pp.

Pangau-Adam M., Slowik J., Waltert M. 2021. Negative effects of logging on bird dispersed trees in northern Papuan lowland forest. Tropical Conservation Science 14:1-9

Port M., Henkelmann A., Schröder F., Waltert M., Middelhoff L., Anders O., Jokisch S. 2021. Rise and fall of a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) stepping-stone population in central Germany. Mammal Research 66:45–55

Püttmanns M., Balkenhol N., Filla T., Görlich A., Roeles F., Waltert M., Gottschalk E. 2021. Avoidance of high-risk linear structures by Skylarks in the early breeding season and implications for conservation management. Journal of Ornithology 162:307–312

Reinhold N., Wobker J., Schröder T., Kemnade C., Bobo K.S., Waltert M. 2021. Confirmation of strong declines of grey parrots in the Korup region, Cameroon, between 2002 and 2016. African Journal of Ecology 59: 561-565

Shokri Sh., Jafari, A., Rabei K., Hadipour E., Alinejad H., Zeppenfeld T., Soufi M., Zehzad B., Kiabi H. B., Pavey R. Ch., Balkenhol N., Waltert M., Soofi M. 2021. Conserving populations at the edge of their geographic range: the endangered Caspian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral) across protected areas of Iran. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 85–105

Bruns A., Waltert M. and Khorozyan I. 2020. The effectiveness of livestock protection measures against wolves (Canis lupus) and implications for their co-existence with humans. Global Ecology and Conservation 21: e00868.

Düker S., Kupsch D., Bobo K.S., Heymann E. and Waltert M. 2020. Congo Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus densities in oil palm plantation, agroforestry mosaic and protected forest in Southwest Cameroon. Bird Conservation International 30: 156-167

Khorozyan I., Ghoddousi S., Soufi M., Soofi M. and Waltert M. 2020. Studded leather collars are very effective in protecting cattle from leopard (Panthera pardus) attacks. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1: e12013. Media Coverage: [The Applied Ecologist]

Khorozyan I., Waltert M. 2020. Variation and conservation implications of the effectiveness of anti‑bear interventions. Scientific Reports 10: 15341.

Pavey C.R., Nano C.E.M., Waltert M. 2020. Population dynamics of dasyurid marsupials in dryland Australia: Variation across habitat and time. Austral Ecology 45: 283-290.

Waltert M. 2020. Science during crisis and the Arnold Berliner Award 2020. The Science of Nature 107:35.

Waltert M., Grammes J., Schwenninger J., Roig-Boixeda P., Port M. 2020. A case of underestimation of density by direct line transect sampling in a hunted roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population. Mammal Research 65: 151–160.

Binczik A., Roig-Boixeda P., Heymann E.W. and Waltert M. 2019. Conservation of chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus and other primates depends on forest patches in a West African savannah landscape. Oryx 53: 774–781.

Ghoddousi A., Soofi M., Hamidi A. Kh., Ashayeri S., Egli L., Ghoddousi S., Speicher J., Khorozyan I., Kiabi B.H. and Waltert M. 2019. The decline of ungulate populations in Iranian protected areas calls for urgent action against poaching. Oryx 53: 151-158.

Iliopoulos Y., Astaras C., Lazarou J., Petridou M., Katzantzidis S. and Waltert M. 2019. Tools for co-existence: Fladry corrals repel efficiently wild wolves (Canis lupus) from experimental baiting sites. Wildlife Research 46: 484-498 (Online).

Katzenberger J., Gottschalk E., Balkenhol N., Waltert M. 2019. Long-term decline of juvenile survival in German Red Kites. Journal of Ornithology 160: 337–349.

Keiluhu H.J., Pangau-Adam M.Z., Maury H.K., Waltert M. 2019. Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on a Victoria crowned pigeon Goura victoria population in northern Papua, Indonesia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 12: 493-497.

Khorozyan I. and Waltert M. 2019. A framework of most effective practices in protecting human assets from predators. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24: 380-394.

Khorozyan I. and Waltert M. 2019. How long do anti-predator interventions remain effective? Patterns, thresholds and uncertainty. Royal Society Open Science 6: 190826.

Kühnert K., Grass I. and Waltert M. 2019. Sacred groves hold distinct bird assemblages within an afrotropical Savanna. Global Ecology and Conservation 18: e00656.

Kupsch D., Vendras E., Ocampo-Ariza C., Batáry P., Njie Motombi F., Kadiri S.B., Waltert M. 2019. High critical forest habitat thresholds of native bird communities in Afrotropical agroforestry landscapes. Biological Conservation 230: 20-28.

Ocampo C., Kupsch D., Motombi FN., Bobo KS., Kreft H., Waltert M. 2019. Extinction thresholds and negative responses of Afrotropical ant-following birds to forest cover loss in oil palm and agroforestry landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 39: 26-37.

Schröer C. and Waltert M. 2019. Zur Tagfalterfauna des Kerstlingeröder Feldes in Göttingen [On the diurnal butterflies of the Kerstlingeröder Feld in Göttingen]. Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften 15: 1-15.

Soofi M., Ghoddousi A., Zeppenfeld T., Shokri S., Soufi M., Egli L., Jafari A., Ahmadpour M., Qashqaei A., Ghadirian T., Filla M., Kiabi B., Balkenhol N., Waltert M. and Khorozyan I. 2019 Assessing the relationship between the intensity of illegal hunting of ungulates, wild prey occurrence and livestock depredation rate by large carnivores. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 365-374.

Spey I.-K., Kupsch D., Bobo K.S., Waltert M. and Schwarze S. 2019. The Effects of Road Access on Income Generation. Evidence from An Integrated Conservation and Development Project in Cameroon. Sustainability 11: 3368.

Waltert M. 2019. New Editorial Team and Arnold Berliner Award 2019. The Science of Nature 106:48.

Wening H., Werner L., Waltert M. and Port M. 2019. Using camera traps to study the elusive European Wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora: Felidae) in central Germany: what makes a good camera trapping site? Journal of Threatened Taxa 11: 13421–13431.

Ingram D.J., Coad L., Abernethy K.A., Maisels F., Stokes E.J., Bobo K.S., Breuer T., Gandiwa E., Ghiurghi A., Greengrass E., Holmern T., Kamgaing T.O.W., Ndong Obiang A.-M., Poulsen J.R., Schleicher J., Nielsen M.R., Solly H., Vath C.L., Waltert M., Whitham C.E.L., Wilkie D.S. and Scharlemann J.P.W. 2018. Assessing Africa-wide pangolin exploitation by scaling local data. Conservation Letters 11:e12389. DOI:10.1111/conl.12389

Khorozyan I., Ghoddousi S., Soufi M. and Waltert M. 2018. Cattle selectivity by leopards suggests ways to mitigate human-leopard conflict. Ecology and Evolution 8: 8011–8018. DOI:10.1002/ece3.4351

Meinecke L., Soofi M., Riechers M., Khorozyan I., Hosseini H., Schwarze S. and Waltert M. 2018. Crop variety and prey richness affect spatial patterns of human-wildlife conflicts in Iran’s Hyrcanian forests. Journal for Nature Conservation 43: 165-172. DOI:10.1016/j.jnc.2018.04.005

Sogbohossou E.A, Kassa B.D., Waltert M. and Khorozyan I. 2018. Spatio-temporal niche partitioning between the African lion (Panthera leo leo) and spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in western African savannas. European Journal of Wildlife Research (in press). DOI:10.1007/s10344-017-1159-5

Soofi M., Ghoddousi A., Zeppenfeld T., Shokri S., Soufi M., Jafari A., Ahmadpour M., Qashqaei A.T., Egli L., Ghadirian T., Chahartagh N.R., Zehzad B., Kiabi B.H., Khorozyan I., Balkenhol N. and Waltert M. 2018. Livestock grazing in protected areas and its effects on large mammals in the Hyrcanian forest, Iran. Biological Conservation 217: 377–382. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.11.020

Filla M., Premier J., Magg N., Dupke C., Khorozyan I., Waltert M., Bufka L. and Heurich M. 2017. Habitat selection by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is primarily driven by avoidance of human activity during day and prey availability during night. Ecology and Evolution (online). DOI:10.1002/ece3.3204

Ghoddousi A., Egli L, Soofi M., Khorozyan I. and Waltert M. 2017. After sanctions: the urge to upgrade and integrate conservation in Iran. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15: 9-10. DOI:10.1002/fee.1452

Ghoddousi A., Soofi M., Hamidi A. Kh., Lumetsberger T., Egli L., Ashayeri S., Khorozyan I., Kiabi B.H. and Waltert M. 2017.When pork is not on the menu: Assessing trophic competition between large carnivores and poachers. Biological Conservation 209: 223-229.

Kelly J., Rahman A., Grass I., Tasirin J.S. and Waltert M. 2017. Avifaunal status updates, range extensions and potential new taxa on the lesser Sangihe and Talaud islands, Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65: 482–496.

Khorozyan I., Lumetsberger T., Ghoddousi A., Soofi M. and Waltert M. 2017. Global patterns of biomass models describing prey consumption by big cats. Mammal Review 47: 124-132. DOI: 10.1111/mam.12084

Khorozyan I., Soofi M., Soufi M., Hamidi A. Kh., Ghoddousi A. and Waltert M. 2017. Effects of shepherds and dogs on livestock depredation by leopards (Panthera pardus) in north-eastern Iran. PeerJ 5:e3049

Lumetsberger T., Ghoddousia A., Appel A., Khorozyan I., Waltert M. and C. Kiffner 2017. Re-evaluating models for estimating prey consumption by leopards. Journal of Zoology 302: 201-210. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12449

Soofi M., Egli L., Ghoddousi A., Shokri S., Soufi M., Rabei K., Hadipour E., Hosseini M., Kiabi B.H., and Waltert M. 2017. The populations status and distribution of Caspian red deer (maral) Cervus elaphus maral in Iran. IUCN Deer Specialist Group DSG newsletter 29: 4-15.

Soofi M., Ghoddousi A., Egli L., Khorozyan I. and Waltert M. 2017. Letter to editor: incorrect identification of study species. Comparative Clinical Pathology 26: 9-10. DOI: 10.1007/s00580-016-2371-5

Soofi M., Ghoddousi A., Hamidi A.Kh., Ghasemi B., Egli L., Voinopol-Sassu A-J., Kiabi B.H., Balkenhol N., Khorozyan I. and Waltert M. 2017. Precision and reliability of indirect population assessments for the Caspian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral). Wildlife Biology 2017:wlb 00230. DOI: 10.2981/wlb.00230

Ghoddousi A., Hamidi A.K., Soofi M., Khorozyan I., Kiabi B.H. and Waltert M. 2016. Effects of ranger stations on predator and prey distribution and abundance in an Iranian steppe landscape. Animal Conservation 19:273-280. DOI:10.1111/acv.12240

Ghoddousi A., Soofi M., Hamidi A.K., Lumetsberger T., Egli L., Khorozyan I., Kiabi B.H. and Waltert M. 2016. Assessing the Role of Livestock in Big Cat Prey Choice Using Spatiotemporal Availability Patterns. PLoS ONE 11(4)(e0153439). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153439.

Höing A., Suncoko A., Deni Rowland D., Murray E., Sabahudin I., Zrust M., Houlihan P., Grossmann K., Waltert M. and Cheyne S.M. 2015. How nature is used and valued by villagers in two villages in Uut Murung. Journal of Indonesian Natural History 3: 8-18.

Höing A., Suncoko A., Deni Rowland D., Murray E., Sabahudin I., Zrust M., Houlihan P., Grossmann K., Waltert M. and Cheyne S.M. 2015. Perceptions towards companies and forest conservation in two villages of Uut Murung, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Natural History 3: 19-30.

Khorozyan I., Ghoddousi A., Soofi M.and Waltert M. 2015. Big Cats kill more livestock when wild prey reaches a minimum threshold. Biological Conservation 192: 268-275. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.031

Khorozyan I., Soofi M., Hamidi A.K., Ghoddousi A. and Waltert M. 2015. Dissatisfaction with veterinary services is associated with leopard (Panthera pardus) predation on domestic animals. PLoS One 10 (6): e0129221

Khorozyan I., Soofi M., Ghoddousi A., Hamidi A.K. and Waltert M. 2015. The relationship between climate, diseases of domestic animals and human-carnivore conflicts. Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 703-713. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2015.07.001

Le Page C., Bobo K.S., Bobo F.N., Kamgaing W.T. and Waltert M. 2015. Interactive simulations with a stylized scale model to co-design with villagers an agent-based model of bushmeat hunting in the periphery of Korup National Park (Cameroon). JASSS-Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (1) 8.

Pangau-Adam M., Mühlenberg M. and Waltert M. 2015. Rainforest disturbance affects population density of the northern cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus) in Papua, Indonesia. Oryx 49: 735-742. DOI:

Kupsch D., Waltert M., and Heymann E.W. 2014. Forest type affects prey foraging of saddleback tamarins, Saguinus nigrifrons. Primates 55: 403-413. DOI 10.1007/s10329-014-0416-4

Martin R.O., Perrin M.R., Boyes R.S., Abebe Y.D., Annorbah N.D., Asamoah A., Bizimana D., Bobo K.S., Bunbury N., Brouwer J., Diop M.S., Ewnetu M., Fotso R.C., Garteh J., Halln P., Holbech L.H., Madindou I.R., Maisels F., Mokoko J., Mulwa R., Reuleaux A., Symes C., Tamungang S., Taylor S., Valled S., Waltert M. and Wondafras M. 2014. Research and conservation of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar: a review of knowledge gaps and opportunities. Ostrich 85: 205-233. DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2014.948943

Ngoufo R., Tsague H.D., and Waltert M. 2014. Improving the legal framework of wildlife resources management in Cameroon: achievements and constraints, challenges and perspectives. University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-86395-155-9

Ngoufo R., Yongyeh N.K., Obioha E.E., Bobo K.S., Jimoh S.O. and Waltert M. 2014. Social norms and cultural services - community belief system and use of wildlife products in the Northern periphery of the Korup National Park, South-West Cameroon. Change and Adaptation in Socioecological Systems 1: 26-34. DOI: 10.2478/cass-2014-0003

Reuleaux A., Richards H., Payet T., Villard P., Waltert M. and Bunbury N. 2014. Insights into the feeding ecology of the Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis barklyi using two monitoring approaches. Ostrich 85: 245-253. DOI:

Reuleaux A., Richards H., Payet T., Villard P., Waltert M. and Bunbury N. 2014 Breeding Ecology of the Seychelles Black parrot Coracopsis barklyi. Ostrich 85: 255-265.

Blanco V. and Waltert M. 2013 Does the tropical agricultural matrix bear potential for primate conservation? A baseline study from Western Uganda. Journal for Nature Conservation 21: 383-393.

Hoeing A., Indrawati Y.M., Quinten M., Cheyne S.M. and Waltert M. 2013. Line transect- and triangulation surveys provide reliable estimates of Kloss’ gibbon (Hylobates klossii) density in Siberut Island (Indonesia). International Journal of Primatology 34: 148-156. DOI 10.1007/s10764-012-9655-7

Jimoh S.O., Ikyaagba E.T., Alarape A.A., Adeyemi A.A. and Waltert M. 2013. Local depletion of two larger duikers in the Oban Hills region, Nigeria. African Journal of Ecology 51: 228-234. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12027

Reuleaux A., Bunbury N. Villard P. and Waltert M. 2013. Current status, distribution and recommendations for monitoring of the Seychelles black parrot Coracopsis (nigra) barklyi. Oryx 47: 561-568.

Viquerat S.M.A., Bobo K.S., Kiffner C. and Waltert M. 2013. A comparison of regression-based estimates of dung decay in two African forest duiker species (Philantomba monticola, Cephalophus ogilbyi). Ecotropica 19: 33-38.

Gallardo Palacios J.F., Engelhardt A., Agil M., Hodges K., Bogia R. and Waltert M. 2012. Status and conservation recommendations for the critically endangered Crested Black Macaque (Macaca nigra) in Tangkoko, Indonesia. Oryx 46: 290-297. doi:10.1017/S0030605311000160

Hadi S., Ziegler T., Waltert M., Mühlenberg M., and Hodges J.K. 2012. Habitat Use and Trophic Niche Overlap of Two Sympatric Colobines, Presbytis potenziani and Simias concolor, on Siberut Island, Indonesia. International Journal of Primatology 33: 218-232. doi:10.1007/s10764-011-9567-y

Laurance W.F., Useche D.C., and Rendeiro J. et al. 2012. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical protected areas. Nature 489: 290-294. doi:10.1038/nature11318.

Linder J.M., Laurance W.F., Struhsaker T., Lovejoy T.E., Ehrlich P.R., Raven P.H., Fredriksson G., Bradshaw C.J.A., Brook B.W., Koh L.P., and Waltert M. 2012. An Open Letter about the Environmental and Social Impacts of a Massive Oil Palm Development in Cameroon. Published at

Obioha E.E., Isiugo P.N., Jimoh S.O., Ikyaagba E., Ngoufo R., Bobo K.S. and Waltert M. 2012 Bushmeat harvesting and human subsistence nexus in the Oban Hill Communities of Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology 38: 49-64.

Viquerat S.M.A., Bobo K.S., Müller M., Kiffner C. and Waltert M. 2012. Estimating forest duiker (Cephalophinae) density: a case study on the performance of three line transect methods. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 42:1-10.

Astaras C., Krause S., Mattner L., Rehse C. and Waltert M. 2011. Associations between the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) and sympatric monkeys in Korup National Park, Cameroon. American Journal of Primatology 73:127-143. doi: 10.1002/ajp.20877

Bobo K.S. and Waltert M. 2011. The importance of agricultural areas for bird conservation in the Korup region, south-western Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 5: 419-418.

Bobo K.S. and Waltert M. 2011. Artificial bird nest predation along a forest conversion gradient in Cameroon. Ecotropica 21:17-29.

Luk C.-L., Hadi U.K., Ziegler T. and Waltert M. 2011. Vertical and horizontal habitats of fruit-feeding butterflies of Siberut, Mentawai islands, Indonesia. Ecotropica 17: 79-90.

Waltert M., Bobo K.S., Kaupa S., Montoya M.L., Nsanyi M.S. and Fermon H. 2011. Assessing conservation values: biodiversity and endemicity in tropical land use systems. PLoS ONE 6: e16238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016238
This paper was evaluated at the "faculty of 1000"....

Astaras C. and Waltert M. 2010. What does seed handling by the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) tell us about the ecological services of terrestrial cercopithecines in African forests? Animal Conservation 13:568-578. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2010.00378.x

Quinten M., Waltert M., Syamsuri F. and Hodges K. 2010. Peat swamp forest supports high primate densities on Siberut Island, Indonesia. Oryx 44: 147-151. doi: 10.1017/S0030605309990718

Waltert M., Seifert C., Radl G. and Hoppe-Dominik B. 2010. Population size and habitat of the White-breasted Guineafowl (Agelastes meleagrides) in the Tai region, Côte d'Ivoire. Bird Conservation International 20: 74-83. doi: 10.1017/S0959270909990189

Hadi S., Ziegler T., Waltert M. and Hodges K. 2009. Tree diversity and forest structure in northern Siberut, Mentawai islands, Indonesia. Tropical Ecology 50: 315-327.

Kiffner C. and Waltert M. 2009. Wildlife Population Assessments in the Katavi Ecosystem. Miombo 34: 1-8.

Kiffner C., Meyer B., Mühlenberg M. and Waltert M. 2009. Plenty of prey, few predators: what limits lions in Katavi National Park, Western Tanzania. Oryx 43: 52-59.

Maas B., Dwi Putra D., Waltert M., Clough Y., Tscharntke T. and Schulze C. 2009 Six years of habitat modification in a tropical rainforest margin of Indonesia do not affect bird diversity but endemic forest species. Biological Conservation 142: 2665-2671. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.06.018

Waltert M., Chuwa M. and Kiffner C. 2009. An assessment of the Puku (Kobus vardoni Livingstone 1857) population at Lake Rukwa, Tanzania: African Journal of Ecology 47: 688-692. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2008.01024

Waltert M., Meyer B. and Kiffner C. 2009. Habitat availability, hunting or poaching: what affects distribution and density of large mammals in western Tanzanian woodlands? African Journal of Ecology 47: 737-746. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2009.01080

Abrahamczyk S., Kessler M., Dadang D.P., Waltert M. and Tscharntke T. 2008. The value of differently managed cacao plantations for forest bird conservation in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International 18: 349-362.

Astaras C, Mühlenberg M. and Waltert M. 2008. Note on drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) ecology and conservation status in Korup National Park, Southwest Cameroon. American Journal of Primatology 70: 306-310.

Kiffner C., Waltert M., Meyer B. and Mühlenberg M. 2008. Response of lions (Panthera leo LINNAEUS 1758) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta ERXLEBEN 1777) to sound playbacks. African Journal of Ecology 46: 223-226.

Waltert M., Meyer B., Shanyangi M.W., Balozi J.J., Kitwara O., Qolli S., Krischke H. and Mühlenberg M. 2008. Foot surveys of large mammals in the woodlands of western Tanzania. Journal of Wildlife Management 72: 603-610.

Waltert M., Abegg C., Ziegler T., Hadi S., Priata D., and Hodges K 2008. Abundance and community structure of Mentawai primates in the Peleonan Forest, north Siberut, Indonesia. Oryx 42: 375-379.

Bobo K.S., Njie F.M.,Mbeng S.E., Mühlenberg M. and Waltert M. 2007. Baumann's Greenbul Phyllastrephus baumanni, new to Cameroon . Malimbus 29: 130.132.

Bobo K.S., Waltert M., Fermon H., Njokagbor J. and Mühlenberg M. 2006. From forest to farmland: butterfly diversity and habitat preference along a gradient of forest conversion in Southwestern Cameroon. Journal of Insect Conservation 10: 29-42.

Bobo K.S., Waltert M., Sainge N.M., Njokagbor J., Fermon H. and Mühlenberg M. 2006. From forest to farmland: species richness patterns of trees and understorey plants along a gradient of forest conversion in southwestern Cameroon. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 4097-4117.

Pangau-Adam M.Z., Waltert M., and Mühlenberg M. 2006. Nest predation risk on ground and shrub nests in forest margin areas of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversity and Conservation 15:4143-4158.

Renner S., Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2006 Comparison of bird communities in primary versus young secondary tropical montane cloud forest in Guatemala. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 1545 - 1575.

Waltert M., Heber S., Riedelbauch S., Lien J.L., and Mühlenberg M. 2006. Estimates of blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) densities from diurnal and nocturnal line transects in the Korup region, SW Cameroon. African Journal of Ecology 44: 290-292.

Bobo K.S., Waltert M., Fichtler M. and Mühlenberg M. 2005. New bird records for the Korup Project Area, SW Cameroon. Malimbus 27: 13-18.

Fermon H., Waltert M., Vane-Wright R.I. and Mühlenberg M. 2005. Forest use and vertical stratification in fruit-feeding butterflies of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Impacts for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 333-350.

Yaokokoré-Béibro H., Waltert M., Ellenberg H. and Foua-Bi K. 2005. Oiseaux de la forêt classée de la Béki. Sciences & Nature 2: 107-218.

Waltert M., Bobo K.S., Sainge N.M., Fermon H., and Mühlenberg M. 2005. From forest to farmland: habitat effects on Afrotropical forest bird diversity. Ecological Applications 15: 1351-1366.

Waltert M., Mardiastuti A., and Mühlenberg M. 2005. Effects of deforestation and forest modification on understorey birds in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International 15: 257-273.

Schuldt A., Cling S. and Waltert M. 2005. Zur Entwicklung der Heuschreckenfauna des Kerstlingeröder Feldes, Göttingen, in den Jahren 1993 und 2001 bis 2004. Articulata 20: 125-138.

Waltert M., Mardiastuti A., and Mühlenberg M. 2004. Effects of land use on bird species richness in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Conservation Biology 18: 1339-1346.

Waltert M., Langkau M., Maertens M., Härtel M., Erasmi S., and Mühlenberg M. 2004. Predicting losses of bird species from deforestation in Central Sulawesi. Pp. 327-338 in: Land use, nature conservation and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia (Gerold, G., Guhardja, E., Fremerey, M. eds.). Springer, Heidelberg.

Pombo A.R., Waltert M., Supraptini Mansjoer S., Mardiastuti A., and Mühlenberg M. 2004. Homerange, diet and behaviour of the Tonkean Macaque Macaca tonkeana in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Pp. 313-325 in: Land use, nature conservation and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia (Gerold, G., Guhardja, E. & Fremerey, M. eds.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Schulze C.H., Waltert M., Kessler P.J.A., Pitopang R., Shahabuddin., Veddeler., Mühlenberg M., D., Gradstein S.R., Leuschner C., Steffan-Dewenter I., and Tscharntke T. 2004. Biodiversity indicator groups of tropical land-use systems: comparing plants, birds and insects. Ecological Applications 14: 1321–1333.

Fermon H., Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2003. Movement and vertical stratification of fruit-feeding butterflies in a managed West African rainforest. Journal of Insect Conservation 7: 7-19.

Gottschalk E., Griebeler E.M., Waltert M., and Mühlenberg M. 2003. Population dynamics of the Grey Bush Cricket Platycleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) - what causes interpopulation differences? Journal of Insect Conservation 7: 45-58.

Steiner C., Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2003. Hunting pressure on the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) in Korup Project Area, Cameroon. African Primates 6: 10-19.

Waltert M., Lien Faber, K., and Mühlenberg M. 2002. Further declines of threatened primates in the Korup Project Area, south-west Cameroon. Oryx 36: 257-265.

Fermon H., Schulze C.H., Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2001. The butterfly fauna of the Noyau Central, Lama Forest, Republic of Benin, with notes on ecological composition and geographic distribution. African Entomology 9: 177-185.

Fermon H., Waltert M., Larsen T.B., Dall’Asta U. and Mühlenberg M. 2000. Effects of forest management on diversity and abundance of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in south-eastern Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Insect Conservation 4: 173-189.

Waltert M. 2000. Diversity and structure of a bird community in a logged forest in south-east Côte d'Ivoire. PhD thesis. Georg-August-University Göttingen. Published at: .

Waltert M. 2000. Forest management and the distribution of understorey birds in the Bossematié Forest, Eastern Ivory Coast. Ostrich 71: 295-299.

Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2000. A nest of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas constructed on a tree. Bull. ABC 7: 132.

Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 2000. Zur Avifauna degradierter Waldfragmente der Ost-Côte d'Ivoire am Beispiel der Bossematié-Region. Journal für Ornithologie 141: 230.

Waltert M. and Faber K. 2000. Olive-bellied Sunbird Nectarinia chloropygia host to Cassin’s Honeybird Prodotiscus insignis. Malimbus 22: 86.

Waltert M., Yaokokore-Beibro K.H., Mühlenberg M. and Waitkuwait W.E. 1999. Preliminary check-list of the birds of the Bossematié area, SE Ivory Coast. Malimbus 21: 93-109.

Waltert M. and Mühlenberg M. 1999. Notes on the avifauna of the Noyau Central, Forét Classée de la Lama, Republic of Benin. Malimbus 21: 82-92.

Waltert M., Gottschalk E. and Mühlenberg M. 1999. Zur Nahrungsökologie der Westlichen Beißschrecke (Platycleis albopunctata GOEZE 1778). Articulata 14: 17-29.

Quotes from student evaluations of an excursion

"I also thought Matthias did a great job teaching about so many things in the forest"

"Matthias is a very knowledgeable man. I like that he brought something new and interesting to our stay in the forest. It was very cool getting to see all of those birds up close. He's a kind and gentle person."

"Birding was more fun than I would have thought. The birds should stay part of the Korup experience."

"I really enjoyed my time with [Matthias]. His teaching style is very hands-on and I liked how he gave us a summary at the end of the week. Everything clicked together."

"[Matthias] was my favorite guest instructor. I loved the bird work he added to the program and I thought he had a lot of useful knowledge to pass along."

"Matthias was great. I could tell he has done many forest-based education. He taught us a lot but in ways that varied enough to keep my interest for several hours. Also, his knowledge was better conveyed and he made his teaching more comfortable and less rigid than [other instructors]"