Ahmet Demirtas

Research Interests / Forschungsschwerpukte

  • Sustainability in agriculture from the point of view of food waste and climate change
  • Consumers’/producers’ preferences

  • Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte / Current Research Projects

    Akademischer Werdegang / Academic Career

    Since 08/2024 Scientific Research Assistant at the University of Göttingen, Agriculture and Food Business Management

    Akademischer Bildungsweg / Academic Education

    2021-2023 Master of Science in Agro-food Marketing International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Spain - Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)-CREDA, Spain
    2011-2017 Bachelor of Science in Econometrics Cukurova University, Turkey

    Publikationen / Publications

    Demirtas, A. and Rahmani, R. “Consumers’ Loyalty and Willingness to Pay a Price Premium for Local Wine with Quality Claims: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model” (forthcoming) Link