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Probing quantum many-body dynamics using subsystem Loschmidt echos
Simon Karch, Souvik Bandyopadhyay, Zheng-Hang Sun, Alexander Impertro, SeungJung Huh, Irene Prieto Rodríguez, Julian F. Wienand, Wolfgang Ketterle, Markus Heyl, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Aidelsburger
Preprint arXiv:2501.16995 -
Roughening dynamics of interfaces in two-dimensional quantum matter
Wladislaw Krinitsin, Niklas Tausendpfund, Matteo Rizzi, Markus Heyl, Markus Schmitt
Preprint arXiv:2412.10145 -
Parton Distribution Functions in the Schwinger Model with Tensor
Mari Carmen Bañuls, Krzysztof Cichy, C.-J. David Lin, Manuel Schneider
Preprint arXiv:2409.16996 -
Low-Temperature Gibbs States with Tensor Networks
Denise Cocchiarella, Mari Carmen Bañuls
Preprint arXiv:2501.08300 -
Determining the 3P0 excited-state tune-out
wavelength of 174Yb in a triple-magic lattice
Tim O. Höhn, René A. Villela, Er Zu, Leonardo Bezzo, Ronen M. Kroeze, Monika Aidelsburger
Preprint arXiv:2412.14163 -
Realization of strongly-interacting Meissner phases in large bosonic
flux ladders
Alexander Impertro, SeungJung Huh, Simon Karch, Julian F. Wienand, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Aidelsburger
Preprint arXiv:2412.09481 -
Microscopy of bosonic charge carriers in staggered magnetic fields
Annabelle Bohrdt, David Wei, Daniel Adler, Kritsana Srakaew, Suchita Agrawal, Pascal Weckesser, Immanuel Bloch, Fabian Grusdt, Johannes Zeiher
Preprint arXiv:2410.19500 -
Disorder-Free Localization for Benchmarking Quantum Computers
Jad C. Halimeh, Uliana E. Khodaeva, Dmitry L. Kovrizhin, Roderich Moessner, Johannes Knolle
Preprint arXiv:2410.08268 -
Visualizing Dynamics of Charges and Strings in (2+1)D Lattice Gauge
Tyler A. Cochran et al.
Preprint arXiv:2409.17142 -
Emergent Fracton Hydrodynamics in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime of
Ultracold Atoms
Caterina Zerba, Alexander Seidel, Frank Pollmann, Michael Knap
Preprint arXiv:2410.07326
Research data/Code: see Zenodo . -
Dynamical freezing in the thermodynamic limit: the strongly driven
Asmi Haldar, Anirban Das, Sagnik Chaudhuri, Luke Staszewski, Alexander Wietek, Frank Pollmann, Roderich Moessner, Arnab Das
Preprint arXiv:2410.11050 -
Subsystem Evolution Speed as Indicator of Relaxation
Jiaju Zhang, M. A. Rajabpour, Markus Heyl, Reyhaneh Khasseh
Preprint arXiv:2410.17798 -
Space-time correlations in monitored kinetically constrained
discrete-time quantum dynamics
Marcel Cech, María Cea, Mari Carmen Bañuls, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo
Preprint arXiv:2408.09872
Research data/Code: see Zenodo . -
Highly-entangled stationary states from strong symmetries
Yahui Li, Frank Pollmann, Nicholas Read, Pablo Sala
Preprint arXiv:2406.08567
Dynamical Quantum Phase Transition and Thermal Equilibrium in the
Lattice Thirring Model
Mari Carmen Bañuls, Krzysztof Cichy, Hao-Ti Hung, Ying-Jer Kao, C.-J. David Lin, Amit Singh
Preprint arXiv:2407.11295
Learning effective Hamiltonians for adaptive time-evolution quantum
Hongzheng Zhao, Ao Chen, Shu-Wei Liu, Marin Bukov, Markus Heyl, Roderich Moessner
Preprint arXiv:2406.06198
Pattern-based quantum functional testing
Erik Weiss, Marcel Cech, Stanislaw Soltan, Martin Koppenhöfer, Michael Krebsbach, Thomas Wellens, Daniel Braun
Preprint arXiv:2405.20828
Realization of a Rydberg-dressed extended Bose Hubbard model
Pascal Weckesser, Kritsana Srakaew, Tizian Blatz, David Wei, Daniel Adler, Suchita Agrawal, Annabelle Bohrdt, Immanuel Bloch, Johannes Zeiher
Preprint arXiv:2405.20128
Characterizing dynamical criticality of many-body localization
transitions from the Fock-space perspective
Zheng-Hang Sun, Yong-Yi Wang, Jian Cui, Heng Fan, Markus Heyl
Preprint arXiv:2405.18188
Universal and nonuniversal probability laws in Markovian open quantum
dynamics subject to generalized reset processes
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Juan P. Garrahan
Preprint arXiv:2310.06981
Long-term stable laser injection locking for quasi-CW applications
Florian Kiesel, Kirill Karpov, Alexandre de Martino, Jonas Auch, Christian Gross
EPJ Techn Instrum (2025) 12: 1 -
Emergent interaction-induced topology in Bose-Hubbard ladders
David Wellnitz, Gustavo A. Domínguez-Castro, Thomas Bilitewski, Monika Aidelsburger, Ana Maria Rey, Luis Santos
Phys. Rev. Research 7, L012012 -
Dynamical heterogeneity and large deviations in the open quantum East
glass model from tensor networks
Luke Causer, Mari Carmen Bañuls, Juan P. Garrahan
Phys. Rev. B 111, L060303 -
Cold-atom quantum simulators of gauge theories
Jad C. Halimeh, Monika Aidelsburger, Fabian Grusdt, Philipp Hauke, Bing Yang
Nature Phys. 21, 25-36 (2025)
Ballistic conductance with and without disorder in a boundary-driven
XXZ spin chain
Adam J. McRoberts, Roderich Moessner
SciPost Phys. 18, 015 (2025)
Diagnosing quantum transport from wave function snapshots
Devendra Singh Bhakuni, Roberto Verdel, Cristiano Muzzi, Riccardo Andreoni, Monika Aidelsburger, Marcello Dalmonte
Phys. Rev. B 110, 144204 -
Realization of Hilbert Space Fragmentation and Fracton Dynamics in 2D
Melissa Will, Roderich Moessner, Frank Pollmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 196301
Research data/Code: see Zenodo . -
Large deviation full counting statistics in adiabatic open quantum
Paulo J. Paulino, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 260402
Research Code: see github -
Observation of Hilbert-space fragmentation and fractonic excitations in
two-dimensional Hubbard systems
Daniel Adler, David Wei, Melissa Will, Kritsana Srakaew, Suchita Agrawal, Pascal Weckesser, Roderich Moessner, Frank Pollmann, Immanuel Bloch, Johannes Zeiher
Nature 636, 80-85 (2024)
Research Data: see edmond -
Machine learning of quantum channels on NISQ devices
Giovanni Cemin, Marcel Cech, Erik Weiss, Stanislaw Soltan, Daniel Braun, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo
Phys. Rev. A 110, 052418 (2024)
Research Data/Code: see Zenodo . -
Quantum hard disks on a lattice
Vighnesh Dattatraya Naik, Fabian Ballar Trigueros, Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 110, L220303 (2024)
Research Data: see Zenodo. -
Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems
Julian F. Wienand, Simon Karch, Alexander Impertro, Christian Schweizer, Ewan McCulloch, Romain Vasseur, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Monika Aidelsburger, Immanuel Bloch
Nature Phys. 20, 1732-1737 (2024)
Research Data: see edmond -
Topological photon pumping in quantum optical systems
Mathias B. M. Svendsen, Marcel Cech, Max Schemmer, Beatriz Olmos
Quantum 8, 1488 (2024) -
Krylov Delocalization/Localization across Ergodicity Breaking
Heiko Georg Menzler, Rishabh Jha
Phys. Rev. B 110, 125137 (2024)
Research Data: see Zenodo -
Non-thermal eigenstates and slow relaxation in quantum Fredkin spin
Luke Causer, Mari Carmen Bañuls, Juan P. Garrahan
Phys. Rev. B 110, 134322 (2024)
Local readout and control of current and kinetic energy operators in
optical lattices
Alexander Impertro, Simon Karch, Julian F. Wienand, SeungJung Huh, Christian Schweizer, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Aidelsburger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 063401 (2024)
Research Data: see edmond -
Quantum reaction-limited reaction-diffusion dynamics of noninteracting
Bose gases
Shiphrah Rowlands, Igor Lesanovsky, Gabriele Perfetto
New J. Phys. 26, 043010 (2024)
Research Data: see github -
Critical quantum dynamics of observables at eigenstate transitions
Simon Jiricek, Miroslav Hopjan, Patrycja Łydżba, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Lev Vidmar
Phys. Rev. B 109, 205157 (2024)
Research Data as ancillary files on arXiv.org -
Ballistic to diffusive crossover in a weakly interacting Fermi gas
Jerome Lloyd, Tibor Rakovszky, Frank Pollmann, Curt von Keyserlingk
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 205108 (2024)
Research data is available upon request from the corresponding author -
Converting long-range entanglement into mixture: tensor-network approach
to local equilibration
Miguel Frías-Pérez, Luca Tagliacozzo, Mari Carmen Bañuls
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 100402 (2024) -
Delocalization in a partially disordered interacting many-body system
Suman Mondal, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
Phys. Rev. B 109, 125127 (2024)
Research data as ancillary files on arXiv.org -
Enhanced many-body localization in a kinetically constrained model
Karl Royen, Suman Mondal, Frank Pollmann, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner
Phys. Rev. E 109, 024136 (2024)
Research data as ancillary files on arXiv.org
Thermodynamics of quantum trajectories on a quantum computer
Marcel Cech, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 120401 (2023)
Research Data/Code: see Zenodo .