Rebhuhn retten - Vielfalt fördern
Research interestsI am an ecologist interested in nature conservation in agri-ecosystems, plant-pollinator interactions and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Currently I am a research associate in the collaborative project Rebhuhn retten - Vielfalt fördern funded by the Bundesprogramm für Biologische Vielfalt where I am responsible for plant visiting and ground-dwelling insects. I analyze how measures of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), beneficial for partridges, can additionally support insects such as wild bees, butterflies, syrphids, beetles.

M.Sc. in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (2019), Georg-August-University Goettingen
B.Sc. in Biology (2015), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
German-Finnish Summer School on Pollination Ecology 2019, Finland, funded by the Helmholtz Recruitment Initiative, endowed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ERASMUS Exchange Program, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Spain (2017-2018); focus on conservation biology, biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services