Academic Writing: Effective Strategies for Publishing in English
Target group:PhD students of the GGG and GFA, other PhD students if free places are available
September 6-7, 2018 & November 1-2, 2018
Historische Sternwarte (Tagungszentrum) / Historical Observatory (Conference Centre), Geismar Landstraße 11
Großer Seminarraum
Available seats: 16
Course language: English
Teacher: Frank Lauterbach
Seminars objectives:
Successful researchers need not only compelling data and ideas but also skills to communicate their research most effectively through writing in English. Yet, many academics are unsure about how they can best express themselves, what criteria a well-written English paper needs to fulfill, and how the writing and publication process can be managed most productively.
In this workshop, we will address such fundamental questions. We will, on the one hand, discuss important requirements for developing powerful English sentences, paragraphs, and texts that meet the expectations of readers, reviewers, and editors alike. On the other hand, we are going to work closely with your own work in progress in order to practice how to effectively organize the writing process and how to successfully prepare your papers for publication.
In the practical phases of the workshop, you will get the opportunity to discuss and receive both peer and expert feedback on one of your own pieces of academic writing. This can be a draft of a paper or a part of it (such as an introduction, abstract, etc.). You do not need to have a finished version yet; drafts at any stage of the writing process are perfectly fine.
Credits: 2 Credits
Demands: To be eligible, you need to email the instructor:
[1] before the workshop, a piece of your academic writing as explained above and
[2] after the workshop, a written reflection of how the course in general and the discussion of your work in particular have helped you rethink and improve your writing.
Application starts May 15, 2018
Application only via:
Contact for more information: Serena Müller, Phone: +551 39-20449
This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) and the Graduate School Forest and Agricultural Sciences (GFA).