Inhalt / Contents 2016
Band / Volume 37
Water scarcity despite abundant water resources - economic water scarcity, case study, Burundi.
Geo-Öko: 05-30.
Soil-mechanical properties of the quaternary sediment cover and landslide susceptibility in the vienna forest, Austria.
Geo-Öko: 31 - 59.
Biological diversity in the ayapel (Colombia) floodplain system.
Geo-Öko: 60-78.
Massive Landschaftsstörung und Rekultivierungsfortschritt am Beispiel der Lüneburger Heide.
Geo-Öko: 79-103.
Band / Volume 37
Geoärchäologische Untersuchungen in der Keuperlandschaft Mittelfrankens, Ergersheim, Landkreis Neustadt a. d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim.
Geo-Öko: 111-138.
Towards the development of a GIS-based diagnosis tool for the spatially-explicit assessment of runoff and erosion risks on agricultural fields.
Geo-Öko: 139-164.
Contrasting grazing impact on seasonal pastures reflected by plant functional traits: Search for patterns in Kyrgyz rangelands.
Geo-Öko: 165-200.
Blowing snow and sandblast shaping in tree physiognomy at certain treeline microsites - a review.
Geo-Öko: 201-233.