On this page you will find a list of helpful websites about the job market.
Academics is a career webpage, which includes a job market for positions inside and outside academia. You can register for a weekly newsletter with job ads. The webpage also includes articels about applications, job profiles, research funding and work-life balance. There is one German and one English version of the webpage.
Wissenschaftsladen Bonn:
The Wissenschaftsladen Bonn publishes the journals "WILA Arbeitsmarkt - Infodienste für Natur und Umwelt" [Information service for professionals in environment and nature] and "Wila Arbeitsmarkt - Infosdienste für Bildung, Kultur und Sozialwesen [Information service for professionals in education, culture and social work]. The journals provide an extensive compilation of job ads in Germany. If you are interested, you can order two issues for free.
The Wissenschaftsladen Bonn also offers workshops, coaching and a hotline for application and job related questions.
WIM'O - Wissenschaftmanagment Online:
WIM'O is an online platform for people interested in research administration. It combines workshop offers, network possibilities, interesting articles, as well as job ads, mostly in German.
The Arbeitsamt Göttingen offers a career coaching, application checks and potential analsys for students and almuni.
The Biologenkompass - Inspirationsquelle für Biologen offers detailed descriptions of possible jobs for biologists. The blog also includes tips regarding applications and career development. All texts are in German only.
Extrapyramidal pathways:
Extrapyramidal pathways -A Repository of (Neuro)Science Career Opportunities On and Off the Beaten Track is a website at which people describe their current positions in detail. The aim is to give PhD students the idea for possible job options.
PsychJobs is provided by Hogrefe and offers an extensive data base of job ads for psychologist inside and outside academia. The positions are mosty resticted to German speaking countries.
International post-doc positions:
Post-doc positions are for example listed at Naturejobs, Research Gate and Primate Jobs .
Research Funding:
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research provides a career webpage about research in Germany, including a list of funding possibilities for PhD students and post-docs. A list of funding programms is also found on the webpage of the Research Department of the University of Göttingen.
Please note that the list is not exhaustive and that we do not resume responsibility for the content of webpages we provide links to.
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