Vorträge und Poste
Simianer, H., (2021), How index weights translate into genetic progress (and vice versa). In: 3rd CiBreed Fall Workshop, 15.09.2021
Büttgen, L., Simianer, H., Pook, T., (2021), Potential of shortening the generation interval by the use of genomic selection in a layer breeding program. In: 3rd CiBreed Fall Workshop, 15.09.2021
Reimer C. 2021. Minischweinezucht und ihre Entstehung in Deutschland am Beispiel des Göttinger Miniaturschweins. In fokus Tierwohl: Crashkurs: Schweine in Kleinsthaltung, LWK Nordrhein[1]Westfalen, Bad Sassendorf, Germany.
Büttgen L, Geibel J, Simianer H, Pook T (2020) Simulationsstudie zur Integration von Gesundheitsmerkmalen in Pferdezuchtprogramme. 9. Pferde-Workshop der DGfZ. Bad Bevensen, Germany
Jubin C, Simianer H, Beissinger TM (2020) Understanding maize phenotypic traits variability using a machine learning method that incorporates genomic and environmental covariates. Genomes To Fields Collaborators Workshop.). Tucson, Arizona, USA
Reimer C. 2020. Göttingen Minipigs Genetics: Breed history, breeding strategies, and genome analyses. In Ellegaard Webinar Series, (Virtual) Dalmose, Denmark.
Seaman J, Heumos S, Pook T, Yokoyama T, Clark T, Garrison E (2020) Pantograph: Scalable Interactive Graph Genome Visualization. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Valle Torres D, Mayer M, Pook T, Ouzunova M, Presterl T, Schoen CC (2020) Optimizing the construction of haplotype blocks to increase genomic prediction accuracy across maize landraces. GPZ Conference Digital Breeding. Tulln, Austria, 11.-13.02.2020
Yokoyama T, Heumos S, Seaman J, Trybushnyi D, Pook T, Guarracino A, Garrison E, Bolleman J (2020) Semantic Variation Graphs: Ontologies for Pangenome Graphs. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Virtual Conference
Simianer, H., Ha, N.T., Gross, J.J., Schnyder, U., Schmitz-Hsu, F., Bruckmaier, R.M. (2016) Lost in transition - a reaction norm model to breed cows that can better cope with metabolic stress. Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, Belfast