Banking Supervision

Dozent: Dr. Philipp Koziol

Zyklus: Siehe Veranstaltungsplan

ECTS-Informationen: 6 Credits

Erwartete Vorkenntnisse: Modul Sustainable Finance, Modul Financial Risk Management, Modul Rechnungslegung der Kreditinstitute

Sprache: Englisch

Leistungsnachweis: Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer 90-minütigen Klausur

Struktur der Veranstaltung: Blockveranstaltung

Modulnummer: M.WIWI-BWL.0133

Ansprechpartner: Dr. Philipp Koziol


After a successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  • understand and explain how banking supervision has developed over time and how it differs across jurisdictions
  • understand, explain and critically apply standard measures and methods of banking supervision
  • understand and explain the Euro area banking union
  • understand, explain and critically apply key concepts in banking regulation
  • understand, explain and critically apply key measures and methods to assess the risks of financial institutions
  • understand and explain micro-and macroprudential supervision and their differences