Coursework and degree requirements
Admission to our PhD programs is possible with a Master's degree in the natural sciences or mathematics. Once admitted, GGNB doctoral students start immediately with their research project, without having to complete additional coursework.Our PhD programs do not have a fixed curriculum. Instead, our doctoral students have the freedom to choose from our large course program according to their needs and interests. GGNB offers short methods courses with a duration of one to three days in a large variety of scientific techniques. Our specialized teaching laboratories organize extended methods courses with a duration of two weeks in the fields of bioanalytics, electrophysiology and advanced light microscopy.
Additionally, our professional skills courses and industry excursions help students prepare for tasks during and after doctoral studies, a.o. with workshops on scientific communication, grant writing, job hunting skills, team leadership and intercultural communication.
In total, PhD students have to gain 20 credits (1 credit equals 30 hours total workload) until the submission of their dissertation. Upon graduation, the academic degree "Dr. rer. nat." or "Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences" is conferred by the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS).