Jing Hao
Jing Hao was born and raised in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China. In the summer of 2010, she obtained her BA from Social and Scientific Department of Tianjin University Renai College in China, majoring in Technological English. The same year, Jing received the admission to Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme Euroculture at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Since then her life abroad has started.
The exchange semester of her MA studies, Jing chose to spend at Palacky University, in Olomouc (Czech Republic) to experience the difference of culture and life style in Eastern Europe. During her studies she traveled around several Eastern European countries and had an internship at the Asian department at Palacky University, assisting with the Chinese teaching and making an audio record for a text book in Chinese for Czech students.
Besides her interest in different cultures and languages, Jing also enjoys doing various social and voluntary activities and travelling in her spare time.