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Presseinformation: Good results for Göttingen University

Nr. 119 - 15.08.2024

Shanghai Ranking compares research performance of more than 1,500 universities from all over the world


The University of Göttingen has achieved a good position in the Shanghai Ranking again. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2024, the University falls in the category of sixth to eleventh place in Germany, along with the Universities of Frankfurt, Cologne, Mainz, Münster and Tübingen. ARWU is primarily based on a university's research performance.


Data from more than 1,500 universities worldwide was analysed for the ranking. The methodology for this assessment includes the number of highly cited researchers, the number of research articles published in Nature and Science, and the number of articles listed in various indexes. The assessment also takes account of the ratio of research performance to the number of employees.